I assume you own the Russian Kettlebell Challenge book, video, or both, but this should help you even if you don't.  The book and the video are both excellent - I cannot recommend them highly enough.  They are what I learned from and what I recommend everyone learn from as well.  The only acceptable substitute, in my opinion, is training with a certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor on a regular basis.

1. Learn Ballistics (1-arm Olympic Lifts)

Start with the two-arm swing, the first movement in the book and video.  As you add new movements, do the newest ones first, e.g., when you're doing one- and two-arm swings, do the one-arm version first.  When you've added cleans, do them first followed by then 1-arm swings, then 2-arm swings.  You'll end up doing the ballistics exercises in the reverse order from that in which they're introduced in the book and video.

I strongly recommend you stick to the basics at the beginning and don't do every movement shown, just the main one from most of the sections.  In addition to the three things listed above, learn the snatch and the jerk (both of which require getting the kettlebell over your head).  You will have four basic movements - swing (two varieties), clean, snatch, and jerk. These are more than enough to allow variety in your training.  No muscle will be left untouched in your quest to get stronger and leaner.  Skip the other movements shown in the book for now.

2. Learn Grinds (Power Lifts)

You needn't learn all the ballistics first; just be sure you're comfortable with the kettlebell before you add grinds.  You may start these, beginning with the military press, as soon as you've learned the clean because the military press starts from the finishing position of the clean.  Practice the grinds in the order in which they appear in the book, not the reverse order.  (Don't ask why; it just works better this way.)  If your main goal is fat loss, the military press may be the only grind you need to learn.

Next learn the Good Morning, then the windmill, side press, bent press and two-hand anyhow.  All these grinds are superb body (and mind!) conditioners and were popular with the legendary strongmen of the early and middle twentieth century but they are not strictly necessary if explosive strength and weight loss are your primary goals.  I perform the military press and windmill daily, the Good Morning several times per week, and the others only when I'm in the mood for a change.

3. Schedule Grinds Before Ballistics

This means all forms of pressing before any snatches, jerks, cleans, swings, etc., when you are doing both in the same workout (which is just fine to do).  Although this contradicts the usual training guideline to work speed before strength, kettlebells are relatively light weights in the world of iron and this is not only OK, it's best.  Keep your pressing sets short, hopefully five reps and under most of the time,  but you may occasionally work your ballistics for high reps, sometimes even 100 or more.  The high rep work needs to come last so that you perform your presses when you are fresh and have good concentration.

4. Don't Schedule Too Many Different Movements in a Single Workout

A workout that consists of nothing more than military presses followed by 1-arm swings provides tremendous exercise for the entire body when both movements are done correctly.  You needn't do anything else in order to get into and stay in fantastic condition.  A few presses and a few ballistics ought to be the norm.

5.  Make Swings a High Priority.

My kettlebell workouts always end with 1-arm swings, no matter what else the day has brought.  They provide, more than anything else, an opportunity to focus on the core technique of hip movement: proper sticking the butt back and keeping the shins nearly vertical when catching the bell and proper snapping of the pelvis into a locked position with heels driven into the ground and abs tight when swinging the bell forward.  You need to do all this with cleans and snatches but there are other distractions when performing those movements; with the swing, there is only your breath and your behind.  The only thing after swings is abdominal work if you do it; swings require your abs be fresh, so save ab-specific work for after your swings are done.
